Input / Output devices

This page displays an accessible version of a Quizlet meant for the use of blind or visually impaired people. The original version of the Quizlet can be found here [original version].

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Term Definition
Output Device for documents Printer
Input and Output Device for listening and speaking Headset
Output Device for listening headphones
Networking Device for wifi Router
Networking Device for wired access ethernet cable
Input Device for video Webcam
Transportable Storage Device Flash Drive
Storage Device for photos (usually) SD card
Internal Storage Device Hard disc
Storage Device for films Blu ray disc
Input Device in supermarket barcode reader
Storage Device to be plugged in External Hard Drive
Output Device for audio content Speakers
Output Device for visual content Monitor (Screen)
Input and Output Device for documents Printer/Scanner Combo
Input Device for sound Microphone
Input Device for documents Scanner
Input Device for movement Mouse
Input Device for text Keyboard
Networking Device Server
Output Device Definition Any device that can display the information that has been processed by the computer.
Input and Output Device Touch Screen
Input Device Definition Any device that puts data into the computer.