wifi lab

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Term Definition
Wave equation Wave speed(m/s)= Frequency(hz) * wavelength(m), v=fλ
What is dBi? Decibles.
What is the difference between a monopole and dipole antenna? In essence, the difference between a monopole and dipole antenna, is that a dipole antenna uses an additionally radiator to generate a synthetic ground plane between the symmetric radiator elements, where a monopole antenna requires a physical ground plane. For a dipole antenna, the radiator elements are connected 180 degrees out-of-phase to each other, such as with the inner and outer conductor of a coaxial cable. For a monopole antenna, the reference plane of the transmission line connection, outer conductor of a coaxial cable, is the ground plane of the monopole.
Radio waves are used to send bits wirelessly, the longest wavelengths and have the least energy.
How do electromagnetic waves differ from mechanical waves? Electromagnetic waves differ from mechanical waves in that they do not require a medium to propagate. This means that electromagnetic waves can travel not only through air and solid materials, but also through the vacuum of space.
Velocity of a wave equation velocity = frequency x wavelength
EM Wave Propagation - As with magnets, + and - aspects of wave act like poles on magnetic - As each radio wave is emitted it propels the preceding wave
gamma rays Penetrating electromagnetic radiation of a kind arising from the radioactive decay of atomic nuclei. Electromagnetic waves with the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies.
X-rays Electromagnetic radiation having a very short wavelength; can penetrate substances such as skin and muscle. Wavelengths are shorter than ultraviolet rays, but longer than gamma rays
ultra violet light above the visible light spectrum that humans cannot see. (Dangerous)
visible light Electromagnetic waves that are visible to the human eye.
Infrared Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than visible light but shorter than radio waves. Frequencies are lower than the red of visible light.
Microwaves Electromagnetic waves that have shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies than radio waves.
radio waves an electromagnetic wave of a frequency between about 104 and 1011 or 1012 Hz, as used for long-distance communication. The part of the electromagnetic spectrum that consists of waves with the lowest frequencies, energy, and longest wavelengths.
What are the seven spectrums on the electromagnetic spectrum? Radio waves Microwave Infrared Visible light Ultra violet X-rays Gamma rays
end of the electromagnetic spectrum Shorter wavelength, higher frequency, higher energy
start of the electromagnetic spectrum Longer wavelength, lower frequency, lower energy
electromagnetic spectrum the range of wavelengths or frequencies over which electromagnetic radiation extends.