IGCSE German Question Words - Fragewörter (full set)

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Term Definition
Wofür? For what purpose?
Wovon? From which?
Um wieviel Uhr? At what time?
Womit? With what?
Wie weit ist es? How far is it?
Wie viele? How many?
Wie viel? How much?
An was für ein Auto hat sie gedacht? Which type of car was she thinking of?
Mit was für einem Auto? With which type of car?
Was für ... ? What kind of?
Mit welchem Auto? With which car?
An welchem Kurs? On which course?
Welche Person? Which person?
Aus welchem Grund? For what reason?
Wieso? Why?
Weswegen? Why?
Weshalb? Why?
Warum? Why?
Seit wann? Since when?
Bis wann? Til when?
Ab wann? Since when?
Wie oft? How often?
Für wie lange? For how long?
Wie lange? How long?
Wann? When?
Woran? About which?
Mit wem? With whom?
Wessen? Whose? Gen
Wem? Whom? Dat
Wen? Who? Acc
Für wen? For whom?
Wer? Who?
Was? What?
Woher? Where from?
Wohin? Where to?
Wo? Where?
Wie? How?
Wozu? What for?