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Term Definition
Can hamsters vomit NO
A monogamous pair of hamsters may produce a litter every ______ days if sucessful 35-40 d.
Intermittent mating system females are placed one after other into the cage of one or 2 males per week and then moved to a separate cage
The harem mating system The male is in with 2-3 other females. the females, stay and are moved out 2d. prior to parturition
Hand mating system female is introduced in the cage of the male at beg of the dark cycle. No copulation in 5 min or she becomes aggressive - then she is removed from the cage. If copulation occurs, then she can be left with in the cage till the next light cycle starts
Hamsters have 4 different mating systems - what are their names? 1. Hand 2. harem 3. Intermittent 4. Monogamous pair
Are hamsters altricial? Yes
WEaning age 21-28 d.
gestation period 15-18 d.
What type of estrous cycle polyestrous
Sexual cycle duration 4-5 d.
If you scruff a hamster --> what can you cause? Exopthalmos
What is the Mesocricetus auratus the syrian hamster
What is the most common hamster used in research? Syrian Hamster